Sunday, October 19, 2008

Catch Up Photos!

I've been very lazy about photos lately! (bad mom!) But here is a good section so everyone can catch up on the lives of my children (growing just too fast!!!).

Zooey says it all in this lovely ensemble just right for the Fall. Here we visit one of our favorite (and most picturesque) spots in Texas, the Dallas Arboretum. What luck that Grammie lives very nearby and is a member! Here we see the hard work that goes into their annual pumpkin patch! So beautiful - and the pumpkin landscape is not bad either!

Grammie never misses a chance to pose with the grandkids. Ike and Zooey had so much fun this day!

While in Dallas, we attended the Texas State Fair. That was lots and lots of fun and featured the nation's biggest Ferris Wheel. Impressive and not scary. The entire family shared a "bucket". It was fun for everyone and highly recommended... all the foods on a stick were a little too fried for me, but the first bites were good nonetheless.

At our favorite hang-out spot (It's A Grind Coffeehouse in Cedar Park), Ike discovers for the first time that his Mom is a cheater... I myself can't believe it has taken him six years to figure this out!

In the center, in the maroon shirt with the curly hair, you will find Zooey, working out with the dancers from Ballet Austin. I've continued to be an annual supporter of the ballet for several several years now, and here we see the rewards. The kids were tired this day, but a little bit o' ballet perked them right up. Just look at the joy on her face!

My red belts attended their first "Karate Olympics" at their own karate studio. Here, Zooey shows us her third place medal for sparring. She was the only girl sparring in her division. She is quite proud of the results.

Here, Zooey is even happier, showing her first place trophy for freesyle weapons kata. She demonstrated her Bo Staff, which is a long stick (taller than her) and is used like a baton, or for the nerds - like Darth Sidious' double ended light saber. She worked for two weeks on a routine, and her hard work earned her a trophy (which she cradled for the rest of the day!)

Here we see both my little champion red belts, pleased as punch with themselves! Ike earned a second place medal for his freestyle weapons kata - he demonstrated nun-chuks quite fantastically - and he earned a first place trophy for speed-kicking by side kicking the bag 52 times in one minute. They are my little grasshoppers, as their Grandpa so eloquently put it.

So that is the update for now. I promise there will be more soon.

- Nisa

Monday, October 13, 2008

Naked Without My Eyebrows - Reflections on Posing as a 1950s Housewife

Turns out I'm kind of sensitive about my balding eyebrows. I've never been the "girly-girl" type, but after spending so much time with myself over the past two weeks, I've come to the realization that there are simply not that many hairs left on the thin parts of those brows! Oh, but I guess I've always known my eyebrows were a weak spot of the fortress of my beauty...

There is so much to say about the past two weeks, and I hate rambling on and on, so I will try to be as concise as possible.

My friend Cindi asked me what I liked most about the experiment. My answer was thoughtful and sweet - "I like the way my Dear Husband notices how good I smell and how nice I look. It is as if he has really shown me more affection than usual. I like having him kiss me and smell me and look approvingly at me." Then she asked what I disliked most about the experiment. My answer was short and sweet - "Everything else." But Cindi knows what I know - which is the truth is way more complex than all that.

Let's start with what I did not like. What did I NOT like? This is a difficult question to answer.

I didn't necessarily like the volume of child-related chores which are usually split between Jon and I but I LIKED making sure my children were clean and cared for.

I had difficulty with the timing of after-school activities and the end of the day chores (cooking, freshening myself up, making a cocktail) but I LIKED being able to provide a clean, quiet, well-managed household for my Husband to come home to. I LIKED watching him relax for a change after a hard day's work.

I also became increasingly uncomfortable spending so much time on my personal appearance and smell but I LIKED the way my Husband began flirting with me again, after so much time - it was almost as if we were in college again.

I wasn't crazy about feeling so subservient most of the time, but I LIKED going with the flow of things and just being basically an employee for a while instead of upper management.

It was nearly impossible to keep my smart-ass mouth shut and instead let a sweet, polite voice speak all of the time, but I LIKED the way people reacted to someone who was easy to get along with all of the time.

Now what did I LIKE about the experiment, also a difficult question to answer.

I liked having the day begin with clockwork and a sense of organized accomplishment, but I DISLIKED rising so early and having grumpy sleepy heads curse my very existence.

I liked looking nice for a change and ditching the t-shirts for awhile, but I DISLIKED the fear of not being pretty enough or clean enough for people's expectations. PLUS, I disliked calling attention to myself by looking clean and nice in my little world of existence where slackerism and casual are king.

I liked how my kids pitched in on chores, but I DISLIKED hearing them beg me over and over, day after day, to stop being 1950s Housewife and be normal mommy again. This one is self-explanatory and the reason the experiment was an experiment and not a lifestyle change.

I liked how the house looked and felt, but I DISLIKED how that look and feeling lasted only until the children returned at 3:00, at which time, the twister motion of their beings set things back on their regular tilt again.

Jon said many times that he felt useless throughout, and I tried to remind him about how useful he was - at the office. Turns out, he ENJOYS being my partner... and even when I begged him not to, he was sneaking around, behind my back, getting a few of my chores done. He has mentioned that he has enjoyed a vacation from some of his usual chores, but he really doesn't care for subservient Nisa, which is why I punched him in the crotch first thing this morning, just to let him know his punk rock babe was back online.

I have to say - I like taking more responsibility for the household chores as well, and will probably continue to make more and more of an effort to keep things running smoothly - beyond just the rearing of the children, my previous most important task. We have already talked about getting a chore schedule and chart up for each family member and also figuring out how we can share cooking duties. This weekend, we restocked all the cleaning supplies we needed, and this afternoon, I power-washed the back porch.

And I've stowed away the make-up and perfume. But not the eyebrow liner... that one may have to stay. I think I'm entitled to it. It really is best for the world that we live in if MY eyebrows are completely filled in. After all, it's the polite thing to do.

- Nisa Sharma (formerly Mrs. Porter, but still married to Jon!)

The 1950s Experiment Ends

I'm sitting here in my Monday T-shirt (a green classic tee with a yoga buddha and its golden aura - from Old Navy) wearing my favorite thong (sorry Dad) and my best cut-off jean shorts that I decorated myself with Union Jack patches.

I have no perfume on, no lip gloss, and no eyeliner.

I told my family to get their own damn breakfast.

I am myself again (well, I would never really say that to the kids, Jon yes, but not the kids) and it feels weird. I need time to process the past two weeks and write up the evaluation. Please excuse me and grant me a little bit of time to write something in conclusion of the experiment.

I hope to post it this evening or tomorrow.

THANKS for reading!

- Nisa

Thursday, October 9, 2008

1950s Housewife - Days Ten and Eleven

Well - day ten came and went without incident. It was just one of those harmonious days that moves like liquid from thing to thing. I had a number of 21st century chores to do for the magazine, and then the kids had a half day at school, which allowed us to spend some quality time and run some important errands. Then it was off to after-school classes and cooking dinner, having the kids take out the trash, and then putting them to bed. I'm sure Dear Husband was in the mix there somewhere, but its hard to recall when a day runs so smoothly.

Oh yes, now I remember, Dear Husband had a hard time keeping his hands off the trash. It is typically his chore to do, and he jumped up when he heard me give the task to the children. I begged him to sit down and keep his hands off the trash, but he's really feeling useless during this experiment... his retort was, "1950s husbands took out the trash!" Since he insisted, what could I say? He was very helpful, and oh so handsome.

Today is Day Eleven, and doing all this work is becoming routine. I noted last night, however, that the extra chores have made my favorite chore my least favorite chore right now. When we married, we agreed on a sharing of work at dinner - The person who cooks shall not clean. Well, during this experiment, I do all the cooking, all the time, and I also clean. I used to love the relaxing zen nature of cleaning the kitchen after dinner, whilst my husband got the kids clean and put them to bed. It had a natural order... NOW, I'm cooking for an hour in the hot kitchen, serving everyone before sitting myself down, clearing the table and getting the dishes organized and soaking, running upstairs to dry bodies, brush and braid hair, read books and get the kids down, and then running back downstairs to wash the dishes... it is simply exhausting and is a block of tasks that SHOULD be shared.

Tonight, Dear Husband has told me he will be going to a movie with a friend, which is fine with me. It allows me to make a simple meal for the kids and enjoy left-overs myself and perhaps I can watch a girly show on the television...

- Mrs. P

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

1950s Housewife - Day Nine

My Mom said the patio charcoal grill became hugely popular in the late 1950s, and so Dear Husband will be grilling chicken tonight. Don't worry, I'm doing EVERYTHING else, he literally has to get the grill going, slap the chicken on, turn it once, and bring it inside - that is all. I am very excited about him "sharing" the duties tonight.

I made a great Pot Roast yesterday - even the boy (who can find something each meal to complain about) loved it, although not the carrots. The girl (who is vegetarian) also enjoyed the potatoes and carrots over rice with her soy chicken. I was very excited - it was my first pot roast and it came out exactly as I wanted.

It is these small victories I'm enjoying during this experiment - like rediscovering the iron and spray starch and finding a certain zen in sweeping the kitchen floor. The hum of the laundry and the look of sparkling kitchen counter tops. The welcoming look of a taught, just made up bed. Being able to locate the television remote, with just a glance from across the house because it is where it should be... Uh-oh... I think it is happening - I'm becoming a neatnik zombie!

This, I'm sure, will be welcome news to my Dear Husband. We will see how life progresses next week, when I'm no longer living in the 1950s.

- Mrs. P

Monday, October 6, 2008

1950s Housewife - Day Eight begins

The weekend was a marvelous way to spend time with Dear Husband and Lovely Children. The Honey-Do list was completed, and Dear Husband did not make too big a mess when he made pizza for Sunday football. The children and I were able to complete some errands and grocery yesterday whilst Dear Husband watched his team - I enjoy taking the children out of the house during this time, so as to limit their exposure to the colorful language Dear Husband sometimes uses. Thankfully, his team won, and he was in a good mood for the rest of the day.

After spending so much family time, however, my "to-do" list seems a little bit long today. I need to get going on it soon. First, some observations from the first week of the experiment:
  • Girdles emphasize back fat. There, I've said it. Look - these undergarments, throwbacks to the dark ages when women needed to be imprisoned within their own clothes, do amazing things for my waistline and are great at minimizing less desirable frontal areas... but they DO emphasize and area that naturally downplays itself without the undergarment. That pesky back-fat hangs over the top - not unlike the muffin-top one gets when one squeezes into an old (and no longer well-fitting) pair of jeans. So you get a muffin-top, but its in the middle of your back!!! Its gross - I hate it... I've eliminated the mid-drift girdle because of it, and I'm only now wearing the one that starts at my belly-button.
  • Make-up gives me zits... big, gross, painful ones.
  • The dishes are NEVER done... ever... I'm convinced there is a dish dragon lurking within the kitchen somewhere, and as soon as I step away from a clean, empty sink, it comes out and dirtys just one spoon and goes back into a cupboard, giggling... stupid dragon!
  • Cooking and thinking about cooking and trying to be healthy - oh, and incorporating the one vegetarian in the family into the mix is challenging and hard and not in a good way. This is probably the most taxing task on the list.
  • I know myself, and I now know that I would never, ever be successful at this experiment if either of the children were younger and still at home during the day... I just don't see how it would be possible with one or even both of them still at home and really too young to help with the chores (they've been great helpers) and needing more of my attention.
  • Where does all this dust come from? I mean really?!?
  • I will never look around at a semi-clean house and think it is clean again... not after what I've seen, not after I know how much cleaner it can be.
  • Why do boys miss the potty? How hard can it be to hit the water? I don't understand.

- Mrs. P

Saturday, October 4, 2008

1950s Housewife - Day Six

My Dearest Husband -
If it is to your liking and works into your schedule this weekend, please do the following tasks for me. I cannot possibly do them as well as a big, strong man can. Thank you. Sincerely - Your Loving Wife
  • Hang the new hammock in the backyard. *I know you can do it without letting our neighbors know that you have a vocabulary that can sometimes come in handy if you are ever with the sailors down on the docks.*
  • Refill the bird feeders and rehang them. *I so admired the way you took them down before the big storm and how brave you were when surrounded by the swarm of hornets who had taken up residence in one of the feeders - please dispose of any hornet carcasses left behind.*
  • Dig up the Summer Garden. *What a great season it was - with the tomatoes really growing in like thunder! I know that next year will be the year your award-winning casabas grow in nice and round - sorry they were used as bowling balls by the boy this time around... perhaps he can help you dig it up today?
  • Speaking of the boy, do you think you can get him out of the house for just a little errand or something this weekend? Anything will do. It is just a small request from your daughter and myself for a moment of peace in the household.
Thank you for doing these chores, Dear Husband. You are so very busy and intellectually engaged during the week - it really does a body good to do some manual labor on the weekend. It is no wonder that you continue to inspire me with your good looks and strong arms. Let me know if you need a glass of iced lemonade at any point during these chores, my love.

Friday, October 3, 2008

1950s Housewife - Day Five

Yesterday was a quiet day - I had a meeting with my magazine staff, and I got all gussied up for it. We did our chore very quickly and I headed back home. Really just grocery was the key job for yesterday, so it wasn't nearly as busy of any of the previous days.

And the truth is, I'm getting bored. I think that the family has fallen into acceptance of this experiment and the way I'm "serving" everyone, and this has lulled us all into this dull hum of the way things are going. I realize the novelty of my strange behavior has worn off, but I'm also not willing to allow this to become the norm.

I have realized that I have more time in the day than I thought - which is a great outcome of this experience. And also on the plus side: the kids are required to help out around the house more, and they are doing it willingly! So I hope that doesn't go away... BUT...

But what I'm finding is that I feel I'm becoming a fixture in the house. By which I mean that while I'm cleaning and cooking and serving, conversations are happening around me but are not including me - nor would I dare contribute, as would not be polite in the 1950s unless asked to contribute, and even then, only to reiterate Dear Husband's opinion.

So being shut-off into myself, I'm becoming bored... and so today, I've been stalling on getting started on the daily chores. I think, since it is Friday, that I will share a cocktail with Dear Husband tonight. I sure do feel I've earned it.

The other strange observation I have at this point is this: I spend time on beautification of myself, and smelling nice - all for Dear Husband... and after a day of hard work and house chores, thinking of nothing but ensuring my family has it easy when they arrive home from their daily routines, and cooking over a hot stove, I then liquor Dear Husband up... and he smells me, and sees how nice I look... and he has no chores to do - so naturally, he decides he'd like to cuddle and maybe do more... but honestly - I'm exhausted. I don't see the point of being appealing to Dear Husband at the end of the day - it is not logical to me. I would much rather repel him at this point - not that I don't have passion for Dear Husband, I do, but I need him to want me when I'm well-rested.

It's almost the same as the stay-at-home mom's thoughts here, when there is a new baby in the house and Dear Husband wants to get back to "normal".

Anyway... my poor Dear Husband... he says he is feeling useless, and wants me to write up a "Honey-Do" list for the weekend, which I certainly plan to focus on today. And he forbade me from making the traditional Sunday football game pizza - as his territory, so I've shopped for the essentials, and he will be allowed in my kitchen for the first time all week on Sunday morning.

I will share the Honey-Do list and more magazine goodies on Monday - I'm planning to take a break from this future box for the weekend.

More Later - Mrs. P

Thursday, October 2, 2008

1950s Magazine Goodies

These are all from the June 21, 1954 issue of Life Magazine. The cover features a photo of the "Prettiest Chorus Girl in Las Vegas: Kim Smith" who is quite fetching in this close-up of her cute face and showgirl feather hat.

This Admiral Fridge has the freezer on the bottom! Amazing! And it can hold over 120 lbs of food! This freezer can "sharp-freeze foods and store them at 52 degrees below freezing - coldest cold ever produced in a home refrigerator unit"! (costs as low as $179.95 and never needs defrosting!)

This GE Freezer can really help out. By keeping a full storage of frozen items, you can shop only when you want to. It also has a special "Ice Cream Conditioner" that "keeps a gallon and a half of ice cream at scooping temperature!" It can hold 525 lbs of food and prices begin at only $299.95 (although model shown is $498.37). Wow, that's only about $5.04 a week!

GE again - they LOVE the Housewife! Here they try to make more out of a small kitchen space with the Big Oven Spacemaker for only $229.88 (only about $2.38 a week). It takes up 16 inches less than a 40-inch range and can hold a meal for 24! (24 what, it doesn't say). Here's an idea - use TWO Spacemakers at each end of your kitchen, "this is just one of many interesting combinations you can have with two Spacemakers."
"Never before so much of everything you've wanted - so much value in every way!"
(best ad copy ever - what else could I possibly add?)
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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

1950s Housewife - On to Day 3

I had some failures yesterday, and I'm trying to figure out why... oh, thankfully, I did sleep without making lists last night, only to be awoken at 5:30 this morning by the boy - seems he wanted to talk things over...

My chief failure yesterday was not freshening up before serving dinner. So Dear Husband had to eat with a whole day's worth of odors and hair and such - I'm sure he was disgraced... BUT, I did manage to make him a strong Vodka Martini, so he may have been unnerved by my appearance at first, but I'm sure once dinner was done, he didn't care so much - about anything anymore! Gee - I hope this two weeks doesn't turn Dear Husband into some sort of lush!

My other failure included just generally running late in the evening due to the kids' lessons. An issue we face again today. I did have dinner ready, and just needed to reheat it... but I used the microwave, which I had initially put on my list of no-nos for the experiment. Today, I'll try a different strategy...

This is what I'm finding as the toughest part of the day - juggling lessons and dinner and the self-grooming that must be involved. Going back to yesterday's comment - a 1950s housewife would not have this issue, as lessons would be done directly after school, and within walking distance for the kids to go to alone - leaving ample time for cooking, making cocktails, and beatification. But the 1950s housewife always deals with what she's got - so here I am, and I have to figure out how to make it work (or just miss lessons next week if I can't figure it out.)

I must note that in the hour and a half between homework and lessons yesterday, my Dear Daughter was able to read half a book - so I think that is a good - no great! - thing.

All this extra careful hygiene is also working my nerves. I'm someone used to my work-at-home mom uniform: t-shirt and shorts. SOMETIMES I take a shower and comb out my hair. RARELY I apply make-up. And I'm lucky to find an unsmelly, unholy bra. Look, its not like I live in squalor, I just usually find other ways to spend my time, rather than on myself. Here, I've spent more time in the last two days cleaning myself than I have doing any one other thing! I'm annoyed by it, but I'm also intrigued. It has me spending time looking at myself in the mirror - and taking stock (mostly in a good way). It also gives me time in the morning to really organize those crazy mid-night mental lists into some sort of schedule for the day.

It has also made me realize that my make-up is two years old... I think this might be yucky, but I have no context, not being a very girly sort of girl. I can't bring myself to spend any budget on anything fresh, so I will make do with blecky make-up for the rest of the experiment.

Soon, I will be adding a slide show on the right. I've found these super-excellent magazines from 1952 and 1954. They are Life and the Saturday Evening Post. I LOVE them, they really tell a story here. I'm going to be scanning and showing things I find interesting, as I have time. Today we will see ads to make my 1950s kitchen more efficient and make my life easier - which falls exactly where my problem currently lies!

Today I need to get off the future-box and get on the ball as I have a luncheon and need to work my daily chores around that appointment. I wonder what I should wear?

- Mrs. P